Sunday, April 27, 2008

Frozen Xwindow

Frozen Xwindow.
If your Xwindow freezes sometimes, here are two ways that you may try to kill your server. The first is the simple simple way of killing your X server the key combination: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
The second way is a little more complicated, but it works most of the time. Hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 to startup a virtual console, then log in with your user name and password and run:
# ps -ax grep startx
This will give you the PID of your Xserver. Then just kill it with:
# kill -9 PID_Number
To go back to your first console, just hit Alt-F1

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All things mentioned here are solely related to Linux and its related things.The author has taken it from various thirdparty sites and creadit should be given accordingly.This has been done in order to simplify your searching task.The tips and tricks section hav various tricks mentioned.Please DO IT ON YOUR OWN RISK.THE AUTHOR DOESNOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR PROPERTY.

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